About Me

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I love cameras like a fat girl who loves Edward Cullen.


Are you lomo enough ?

wana see a real LOMO WALL ? you have the change in end of MARCH !

we are plaining two month ago and finally the LITTLE PENANG EVENT is combine with us !!

DATE : 27th MARCH (sunday)
VENUE: LITTLE PENANG @ upper penang road

we will create a LOMO WALL and organize a LOMO PHOTO COMPETITION on the same date.

what you need to do :

- LOMOGRAPHER just bring over all your LOMO PHOTO (the most you bring, the most changes to win) to stick on the wall that we provide.

- no theme -
- no relus and regulation (except no editing allow) -
- no weird registration fee -
- no rasual -

Once the JUDGE pointed on your LOMO PHOTO, the GRAND PRIZE will be yours !

we just want to share all our PHOTO, we tired to keep it into our ALBUM !

LETS SHARE ! and prepare your photo into 4R to stick on the old old street !

This event is create by Lomokaki. Visit their facebook for more information.          

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

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